Lincoln Ontario Public invited to attend Short-Term Accommodations Licensing By-law / Amendments to the Zoning By-law – Q&A Session

The Town of Lincoln Ontario is inviting the general public to attend a Q&A session on the amendments to the existing Zoning By-law provisions and the implementation of a Licensing By-Law propose to regulate and license Short-Term Accommodations (STA) for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of persons residing in residential properties, minimizing potential impacts to surrounding properties and neighbourhoods, and to protect the residential character and stability of residential areas within the Town.

View the project webpage at for further information in this regard.

The Licensing By-Law proposes to:

  • Require all STAs to obtain a license from the Town.
  • Implement a standard STA Licensing application process.
  • Implement a Demerit Point and Administrative Monetary Penalty System.
  • Establish a registry of all STAs within the Town.

Proposed amendments to the current Zoning By-law provisions for STAs include:

  • Clarification on the type of structures STAs are permitted to be located in.
  • Provide for a maximum number of guest rooms.
  • Implement new and amend existing definitions for types of STAs.

A recommendation report was heard on March 4 and deferred pending further feedback.

If you wish to attend here are the details on location and time: 

  • June 12 | 6 to 8 p.m.
  • Council Chambers | Town Hall | 4800 South Service Rd., Beamsville

The meeting will include a staff presentation and a question-and-answer session.