In a groundbreaking development that underscores the power of cooperation, they came together for a Joint Special Meeting on August 9, 2023. Held at the picturesque West Niagara Agricultural Centre & Fairgrounds, this closed-door session was dedicated to exploring the potential future governance structure of the West Niagara Region. This marked a pivotal moment as the three councils convened to discuss their shared interests and visions for the region’s growth and prosperity.
The meeting, hosted as a closed session due to the sensitive nature of the topics at hand, aimed to facilitate a candid exchange of ideas between municipal leaders. While the session itself was not recorded and is not accessible to the public, its significance lies in the united approach these councils have taken. It’s the first time the Township of West Lincoln, Town of Lincoln, and Town of Grimsby have joined forces in a meeting of this nature, signalling a strong commitment to working harmoniously towards common goals.
At the heart of this collaborative effort lies the ongoing governance structure review initiated by the Province of Ontario. All three municipalities recognized the importance of pooling their resources, knowledge, and expertise to explore innovative solutions that could best serve the unique needs of their respective communities. As potential changes to the current governance structure of the Niagara Region loom on the horizon, these leaders are determined to ensure their communities’ interests remain at the forefront.
Mayor Sandra Easton of the Town of Lincoln aptly expressed the significance of this joint venture: “This occasion marks a pivotal moment for our three municipalities to come together with a shared purpose. Our aim is to synchronize our resources, align our visions, and steer positive change that will ultimately enhance the lives of our residents.”
Echoing Mayor Easton’s sentiments, Mayor Cheryl Ganann of the Township of West Lincoln noted, “Collaboration has always been a cornerstone of our municipalities’ relationship. This meeting exemplifies our unwavering commitment to finding creative and efficient ways to address governance matters that hold the potential to impact our residents, businesses, and visitors alike.”
Mayor Jeff Jordan of the Town of Grimsby similarly emphasized, “The significance of this meeting cannot be understated. It’s a milestone in forging stronger connections among our municipalities. We’re excited to seize this opportunity to work together seamlessly and leverage our collective potential.”
As this triumvirate of councils embarks on this collaborative journey, they envision nurturing an ongoing dialogue and synergy to shape their shared destinies within the Niagara Region. As developments unfold and the Province of Ontario provides more information about potential governance changes in the Niagara Region, these leaders are poised to continue their discussions and explorations.
We at are developing a network of community websites aiming to foster greater communication and cooperation among local municipalities. Through this unified approach, the West Lincoln, Lincoln, and Grimsby councils are blazing a trail towards a future that’s built on shared aspirations and collective growth. Stay tuned for more updates as this exciting journey unfolds.